Sets and operations on them. Sets of numbers: N, Z, Q and R. The representation of the real numbers via the real line and the order relationship. Absolute value.
Intervals. Bounded sets. Supremum and infimum of a set. Neighborhood of a point: circular, open and closed neighborhood.
Functions: domain, graph, image, preimage, boundedness, injectivity, surjectivity, bijectivity, monotonicity. Some examples. Inverse function. Theorem on inverse function.
Composition. Translation, rescaling. Even, odd and periodic functions.
Elementary functions: powers, polynomial and rational functions. Exponential and logarithmic functions. Trigonometric functions and their inverse. Hyperbolic goniometric functions.
Limits, limits from the left and from the right.Theorems: uniqueness, sum, product, sign (proof), comparison I and II (proof). Algebra of limits.
Continuity, continuity from the left and from the right, discontinuity. Basic theorems on continuous functions: theorems coming from those on limits, continuity of the composition and of the inverse function.
Indeterminate forms: sum, product and exponential type. lim x?0sinx/x , lim x?+?(1+1/x)^x.
Local comparison, infinitesimal and infinite.
Theorems: zeros, Weierstrass, intermediate values.
Derivatives: definitions, rules, relationship between derivability and continuity (proof).
De l’Hopital theorem.Extrema and critical points of a function. Theorems: Fermat, Rolle, Lagrange (and its consequences), Cauchy. Monotonicity test. Convexity.
Taylor’s formula.
Series: basic definition. Geometric series. Leibniz and quotient criterions.
Last update: 09-09-2024