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Academic Year 2024/2025
Year 1
Class hours 96


Class hours 48
Scientific Disciplinary Sector FIS/01 - Experimental Physics
Educational activity Basic
Field Physics and Chemistry


Foto non disponibile
Semester Primo Ciclo Semestrale

Detailed information about the course

KINEMATICS. Recalls on vectors. Motion in one dimension. Mean and instantaneous velocity. Mean and instantaneous acceleration. Motion with constant acceleration. Motion in two and three dimensions. Circular motion: centripetal and tangential acceleration.

DYNAMICS. Newton’s laws. Free body diagrams. Friction force. Dynamics of the uniform circular motion. Non-inertial reference frames and fictitious forces. Work. Kinetic energy. Power. Conservative force fields. Potential energy. One-dimensional conservative systems. Conservation of mechanical energy. Non-conservative forces and mechanical energy variation. Simple harmonic oscillator. Harmonic oscillator energy. Simple pendulum. Harmonic motion and uniform circular motion. Composition of harmonic motions. Damped oscillator. Damped and forced oscillator. Resonance. Mass systems. Mass centre. Linear momentum. Linear momentum conservation. Rotational kinematics. Rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia. Moment of the force. Rotational dynamics of the rigid body. Angular momentum. Angular momentum conservation.

FLUIDS. Statics of fluids. Stevino’s law. Archimede’s principle. Pascal’s principle. Dynamics of fluids. Continuity equation. Bernoulli’s theorem.

Last update: 15-09-2024

Fundamentals of physics – Wiley – D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker.

Principles of Physics – Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning – R.A. Serway, J.W. Jewett

Last update: 15-09-2024

The module deals with the fundamentals of mechanics and fluid dynamics.

The course wants to provide Students with the capability i) to solve simple problems on the above indicated topics, making use of the acquired knowledge on mathematics, ii) to critically examine results obtained and to understand in which contexts they can be applied; 3) to transfer the acquired knowledge through a proper technical-scientific language.

Last update: 15-09-2024

High-school Physics knowledge

Last update: 15-09-2024

Classroom lectures and exercises.

Last update: 15-09-2024


Last update: 15-09-2024

Written test (during the course or at its end) and oral exam (at the end of the course).

Written test requires the solution of open answers to ascertain the knowledge of the fundamentals of mechanics, thermodynamics, electrostatics and magnetostatics in vacuum. The oral exam focuses on the discussion of the theoretical basis needed to solve the written test.

Last update: 15-09-2024

The course provides the basic notions to be studied in depth in the degree course in order to pursue the above objectives

Last update: 15-09-2024

Further information

No document in this course
No class timetable posted
Codice insegnamento online non pubblicato


Class hours 48
Scientific Disciplinary Sector FIS/01 - Experimental Physics
Educational activity Basic
Field Physics and Chemistry


Responsible Saveria SANTANGELO
Semester Secondo Ciclo Semestrale

Detailed information about the course

THERMODYNAMICS. Thermodynamic systems and states. Thermal equilibrium temperature. Laws of ideal gases. Work on an ideal gas. Heat. Thermal capacity and specific heat capacity. Specific heat capacity of ideal gases. First principle of thermodynamics. Reversible and irreversible transformations. Heating machines. Carnot’s Cycle. Refrigerating machines. Second principle of thermodynamics. Carnot’s theorem. Entropy. Entropy of the ideal gas.

ELECTROSTATICS AND MAGNETOSTATICS IN VACUUM. Coulomb’s law. Field E e potential V. Gauss’ theorem and applications. Capacitance. Capacitors connected in series and in parallel. Current intensity and density. Steady conditions. Ohm’s law. Resistors connected in series and in parallel. Joule effect. Field B. Laplace’s formulas. Electrodynamic forces between electric circuits. Lorentz’s force. Magnetic momentum of a turn. Ampere’s and applications. Concept of magnetic circuit and Hopkinson’s law.

Last update: 11-09-2024

Fundamentals of physics – Wiley – D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker.

Principles of Physics – Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning – R.A. Serway, J.W. Jewett

Last update: 11-09-2024

The module deals with the fundamentals of thermodynamics, electrostatics and magnetostatics in vacuum.

It wants to provide Students with the capability i) to solve simple problems on the above indicated topics, making use of the acquired knowledge on mathematics, ii) to critically examine results obtained and to understand in which contexts they can be applied; 3) to transfer the acquired knowledge through a proper technical-scientific language.

Last update: 11-09-2024

High-school Physics knowledge

Last update: 11-09-2024

Lectures in lecture theater.

Last update: 11-09-2024


Last update: 11-09-2024

Written tests (during the course or at its end) and oral exam

30-30 cum laude             

Comprehensive, deep and critical knowledge of the course topics, excellent skills in understanding and applying independently the acquired knowledge to solve the proposed questions;


Comprehensive and deep knowledge of the course topics, very good skills in understanding and applying independently the acquired knowledge to solve the proposed questions;


Comprehensive knowledge of the course topics, good skills in understanding and applying independently the acquired knowledge to solve the proposed questions;


Proper knowledge of the course topics, skills in understanding and applying independently the acquired knowledge to solve the proposed questions;


Basic knowledge of the course topics, basic skills in understanding and applying the acquired knowledge to solve the proposed questions.

Last update: 11-09-2024

The module provides the basic notions, to be explored in subsequent courses, to pursue 6th, 7th and 13th sustainable development goals.

Last update: 11-09-2024

Further information

No document in this course
No news posted
No class timetable posted
Codice insegnamento online non pubblicato

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