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Academic Year 2024/2025
Year 1
Class hours 48
Scientific Disciplinary Sector ICAR/06 - Topography and Cartography
Educational activity Core
Field Safety, Civil protection, Environmental and Territorial Engineering


Foto Vincenzo BARRILE
Responsible Vincenzo BARRILE
Semester Secondo Ciclo Semestrale

Detailed information about the course


Description and use of the main topographic instruments – Planimetric and detailed survey – Network adjustments and error theory (least squares method) – Geoid and ellipsoid – Description of the official cartography

Acquisition of knowledge on:

Use of tools and methods for topographic survey and rigorous adjustments of networks.



Geoid – Spheroid – Ellipsoid – Local Sphere – Geodetic field – Topographic field – Geodetic operations – Operational geodesy theorems – Reference systems


Map equations – Compliant maps – Equivalent maps – Official Italian cartography – Cadastral maps – Coordinate systems – DATUM – DATUM change and coordinate system change methodologies


Level – Total stations – Tapes – EDM – Laser Scanner – Acquisition methods of topographic observables (angles – distances – differences in level) – Instrumental precision

The GPS method

Observables – Pseudorange – Phase – Errors and modeling – Ionospheric effect – Tropospheric effect – Differential techniques (single differences – double differences – triple differences) – Phase ambiguity – Static

GPS – Kinematic GPS – Differential GPS – GPS RTK – GPS OTF – GPS data processing methods – DOP – Accuracy of the GPS method

Measurement schemes: Planimetric (Triangulations – Trilaterations – Intersections – Polygonals – Networks) – Empirical compensation of a planimetric network Altimetric (Tacheometric leveling – Trigonometric leveling – Geometric leveling – Composite leveling) – Empirical compensation of a three-dimensional altimetric network (GPS – Laser Scanner method)

Treatment of observations – Statistical treatment of measurements – Compensation of measurements Random variables – Theorems on random variables – Law of Propagation of Variance – N-dimensional random variables – Covariance – Law of Propagation of Covariance – The method of least squares (pure condition equations – additional parameters – constraints) – Linearization of the observation equations – Altimetric and three-dimensional planimetric network compensation with the least squares criterion – Accuracy of the method and significance test of the movements on network points

UAV systems (drones) Acquisition schemes and methods.


-Knowledge and understanding: Participants will acquire a solid knowledge base in the fields of Topography and Cartography, of the techniques used for metric surveying and GPS positioning.

- Applying knowledge and understanding: Students will be able to apply the knowledge acquired to perform metric positioning surveys, analyze the measurements obtained with statistical methods, use mapping software.

- Making judgments: Students will develop the ability to make autonomous decisions in the management of the metric data acquired. They will be able to critically evaluate the different options available for the collection and analysis of the data collected also through statistical treatment of the measurements with consequent compensation.

- Communication skills: Students will acquire skills in effectively communicating the results deriving from measurements obtained from metric and positioning surveys. They will be able to present their conclusions in a clear and understandable way both verbally and through graphical representations.

- Learning skills: The course will provide students with the foundations for continuous learning in the field of Topography and Cartography, with particular reference to metric surveying and GPS positioning techniques.

Last update: 20-12-2024

Handouts and materials provided by the teacher.

Last update: 20-12-2024

In order to achieve the expected results for the course program and the proposed experimentation, the teaching offer divided into different activities pursues the following:

- Qualifying training objectives: competence in the use of topographic instruments, the GPS method, the processing of measurements (statistical techniques) and the adjustments of plano-altimetric networks.

- Specific training objectives (with reference to the theme of the course/workshop): Use of dedicated tools, methods, algorithms and software to achieve the qualifying training objectives.

Last update: 20-12-2024


Last update: 20-12-2024

Classroom lectures and application excerices on the main topics of the course

Last update: 20-12-2024

The reception/office hours will be held on Monday from 8:30 to 11:00. According to the teacher's availability, reception can be arranged via email with at least 2 days' notice. The reception is suspended from 20 July to 10 September and from 20 December to 7 January.

Last update: 20-12-2024

Final oral discussion on the topics covered during the course.



< 18 insufficient

 Fragmentary and superficial knowledge of the contents, errors in applying the concepts, poor presentation.

18 - 20

Sufficient but general knowledge of contents, simple exposition, uncertainties in the application of theoretical concepts.

21 - 23

Appropriate but not in-depth knowledge of content, ability to apply theoretical concepts, ability to present content in a simple way.

24 - 25

Appropriate and extensive knowledge of the contents, reasonable ability to apply knowledge, ability to present contents in an articulated way.

26 - 27

Precise and complete content knowledge, good ability to apply knowledge, analytical skills, clear and correct presentation.

28 - 29

Broad, complete and in-depth knowledge of the contents, good application of the contents, good analysis and synthesis skills, safe and correct presentation.


30 with honors

Very broad, complete and in-depth knowledge of the contents, well-established ability to apply the contents, excellent capacity for analysis, synthesis and interdisciplinary connections, mastery of presentation.

Last update: 20-12-2024

Provide knowledge for:

Goal 7.

Help expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for the provision of modern and sustainable energy services for all developing countries, in particular for least developed countries, small island states, and for developing countries without landlocked, in accordance with their respective support programmes.

Goal 9.

Help significantly increase access to information and communications technologies and strive to provide universal and low-cost access to the Internet in least developed countries.

Goal 11.

Contribute to Support least developed countries, including through technical and financial assistance, in the construction of sustainable and resilient buildings that use local materials.

Goal 12.

Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity in order to move towards more sustainable models of consumption and production.

Goal 13.

Help promote mechanisms to increase capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, focusing, among others, on women, youth and local and marginalized communities.

Goal 16

Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development.

Goal 17

Promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies to developing countries on favorable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed.

Last update: 20-12-2024

Further information

No document in this course
No news posted
No class timetable posted
Codice insegnamento online non pubblicato

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