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Huawei - 2020 Digix Global AI Challenge

Huawei has launched 2020 Digix Global AI Challenge, a high-level world-class competition dedicated to undergraduates and postgraduates university students around the world.
Students will have the chance to join the challenge choosing between two competition tracks: Machine Learning or Computer Vision and submitting their own or team project by September 20th.

If you are passionate about AI and smart device technology don’t miss the chance to:
- compete against students from universities of other Countries
- to interact with Huawei experts and mentors and
- to win amazing prizes!

Link to the challenge:
Link to FAQs:

For any further information pls refer to the attachment "2020 DIGIX GLOBAL AI CHALLENGE GUIDE"

Pubblicato dal Servizio Job Placement - Responsabile Anna De Angelis
Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria

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