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Network and Complex Systems


Dipartimento: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, dell'Energia, dell'Ambiente e dei Materiali
Ubicazione e recapiti:

I lotto, II piano
Via Graziella, Loc. Feo Di Vito
89122 Reggio Calabria

Mail: Mail
Responsabile tecnico: Domenico Rosaci
Sito web:
Associati: Domenico Rosaci (IINF-05/A)
Ricercatori: ()
Dottori di ricerca: Antonello Comi [], Lidia Fotia [], Fabrizio Messina [], Maria Donatella Gangemi [], Farzad Arabhikhan [University of Portsmouth -]
Altro personale: Maria Nadia Postorino []; Luca Mantecchini []; Giuseppe Pappalardo []; Paquale De Meo [];


Il NeCS è un laboratorio interdisciplinare che ha come principali finalità la ricerca e sperimentazione sui sistemi complessi, in particolare i sistemi a reti. Nei sistemi complessi i singoli elementi interagiscono tra loro a vari livelli generando cambiamenti sia a livello locale, sia nella struttura complessiva del sistema e richiedono un approccio di natura olistica per la previsione di stati futuri del sistema. Tra i sistemi complessi, i sistemi a rete identificano un insieme di strutture, entità o componenti interconnessi tra di loro che operano per la realizzazione di un obiettivo. Le reti dei sistemi di trasporto e dei sistemi informativi, particolare oggetto di studio del laboratorio, condividono problematiche quali la capacità finita delle strutture di collegamento tra nodi singolari, le relazioni tra domanda e offerta e la gestione di tali relazioni per mantenere un elevato livello di efficienza del sistema, le interazioni intercorrenti tra le varie componenti delle reti. Problemi comuni riguardano l’ottimizzazione in presenza di risorse limitate o di strutture finite e la gestione degli elementi del sistema al fine di mantenerne il funzionamento ottimale.


  • Modellazione, analisi, ottimizzazione e gestione dei sistemi a rete
  • Modelli, algoritmi, architetture per la simulazione dei sistemi informativi
  • Ricerca e sperimentazione sui sistemi a rete sostenibili
  • Reti di trasporto
  • Sistemi informativi per l’attuazione di Sistemi Intelligenti di Trasporto (ITS)

Relazioni internazionali

  • School of Computing, University of Portsmouth (UK)
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Facultad de Ciencias Fisicomatemáticas e Ingeniería (Argentina)
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)

Horizon 2020 topics

Smart, green and integrated transport

Information and Communication Technologies

Sustainable development

International cooperation

Gender equality and gender content of research

Research and innovation policy

Smart Specialisation Strategy Calabria (S3 Calabria)

ICT e terziario innovativo / ICT and Innovative Tertiary
Logistica / Logistics

Linee di ricerca

Responsabile Parole chiave Tematiche ERC
Sistemi di Trasporto Aereo (domanda di trasporto aereo e aereoporti); Valutazione degli impatti del sistema di trasporto aereo (carbon footprint, noise); ITS per l’ airport ground movement system (AGMS); Modelli di domanda di trasporto (modelli di scelta, modelli di trend); tecniche Stated Preferences; Stima della domanda di trasporto da flussi di traffico; Prestazioni del sistema di trasporto; Approcci neural networks and neuro-fuzzy per la soluzione di problemi di trasporto SH1_3 - Econometrics, statistical methods
SH1_6 - Consumer choice, behavioural economics, marketing
SH1_7 - Organization studies, strategy
SH3_1 - Environment and sustainability
SH3_6 - Spatial and regional planning
SH3_8 - Urbanization and urban planning, cities
SH3_9 - Mobility and transportation
PE1_13 - Probability and statistics
PE1_16 - Numerical analysis and scientific computing
PE1_17 - Control theory and optimization
PE1_18 - Application of mathematics in sciences
PE7_4 - Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation
PE8_3 - Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment
PE8_4 - Computational engineering
Grid, Cloud e Pervasive Computing; Reti Sociali; Sistemi di Raccomandazione; IoT e Reti di Sensori; Intelligenza Artificiale Distribuita; Calcolo Parallelo e Distribuito; Sistemi ad Agenti SH2_12 - Communication networks, media, information society
SH4_13 - Education: principles, techniques, typologies
PE6_1 - Computer architecture
PE6_2 - Database management
PE6_3 - Formal methods
PE6_4 - Graphics and image processing
PE6_5 - Human computer interaction and interface
PE6_6 - Informatics and information systems
PE6_8 - Intelligent systems
PE6_9 - Scientific computing
PE6_10 - Modelling tools
PE6_11 - Multimedia
PE6_12 - Parallel and Distributed Computing
PE6_14 - Systems and software

Network and Complex Systems


Department: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, dell'Energia, dell'Ambiente e dei Materiali
Location and Contacts:

I lotto, II piano
Via Graziella, Loc. Feo Di Vito
89122 Reggio Calabria

Mail: Mail
Technical Responsible: Domenico Rosaci
Sito web:
Associate Professors: Domenico Rosaci (IINF-05/A)
Researchers: ()
PhD graduates: Antonello Comi [], Lidia Fotia [], Fabrizio Messina [], Maria Donatella Gangemi [], Farzad Arabhikhan [University of Portsmouth -]
Other staff: Maria Nadia Postorino []; Luca Mantecchini []; Giuseppe Pappalardo []; Paquale De Meo [];

Principal aims

The Network and Complex Systems (NeCS) interdisciplinary laboratory makes research and experimentation on complex - mainly network – systems. In complex systems, elements interact each other at several levels and generate changes both at local level and in the whole system structure thus requiring a holistic approach to predict future system conditions. Among the complex system group, network systems identify sets of structures, entities or components linked among them that work to achieve a goal. Transport and information networks, which are specifically studied at the laboratory, share common problems such as the limited capacity of the connecting structures among singular nodes, the relationships between demand and offer as well as the management of such relationships to maintain a high efficiency level, the interactions among the several network components. Common problems are the system optimization with limited resources and structures, the management of the several element in order to maintain an optimal working condition.

Research activities

Grid, Cloud e Pervasive Computing; Social Networks; Recommender Systems; Sensor networks; Distributed Artificial Intelligence; Parallel and Distributed computing; Agent systems

International relationships

Smart, green and integrated transport

Information and Communication Technologies

Sustainable development

International cooperation

Gender equality and gender content of research

Research and innovation policy

Horizon 2020 topics

Smart, green and integrated transport

Information and Communication Technologies

Sustainable development

International cooperation

Gender equality and gender content of research

Research and innovation policy

Smart Specialisation Strategy Calabria (S3 Calabria)

ICT e terziario innovativo / ICT and Innovative Tertiary
Logistica / Logistics

Research fields

Responsible Keywords ERC Domain
Air transport systems (air transport demand and airports); Airport impact assessment (carbon footprint, noise); ITS for airport ground movements systems (AGMS); Transport demand models (Discrete choice models and trend models); Stated Preferences techniques; Demand estimation from traffic counts; System performance assessment; Neural networks and neuro-fuzzy approaches to solve transport problems SH1_3 - Econometrics, statistical methods
SH1_6 - Consumer choice, behavioural economics, marketing
SH1_7 - Organization studies, strategy
SH3_1 - Environment and sustainability
SH3_6 - Spatial and regional planning
SH3_8 - Urbanization and urban planning, cities
SH3_9 - Mobility and transportation
PE1_13 - Probability and statistics
PE1_16 - Numerical analysis and scientific computing
PE1_17 - Control theory and optimization
PE1_18 - Application of mathematics in sciences
PE7_4 - Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation
PE8_3 - Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment
PE8_4 - Computational engineering
Grid, Cloud e Pervasive Computing; Social Networks; Recommender Systems; IoT and Sensor networks; Distributed Artificial Intelligence; Parallel and Distributed computing; Agent systems SH2_12 - Communication networks, media, information society
SH4_13 - Education: principles, techniques, typologies
PE6_1 - Computer architecture
PE6_2 - Database management
PE6_3 - Formal methods
PE6_4 - Graphics and image processing
PE6_5 - Human computer interaction and interface
PE6_6 - Informatics and information systems
PE6_8 - Intelligent systems
PE6_9 - Scientific computing
PE6_10 - Modelling tools
PE6_11 - Multimedia
PE6_12 - Parallel and Distributed Computing
PE6_14 - Systems and software

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